Dragon's Nest – сайт о драконах и для драконов

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Гнездо драконов — сайт о драконах и для драконов


«Дракон — это символ силы. Если неспособны найти силу в себе, то тогда какого волшебного овоща, чьи листья кроне могучего дуба подобны, обращаться к этому знаку?»

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Bruce Dickinson «Tears Of The Dragon»

For too long now There were secrets in my mind For too long now There were things I should have said In the darkness I was stumbling for the door To find a reason To find the time,the place,the hour Waiting for the winter sun And the cold light of day The misty coast of childhood fears The pressure is building And I can't stay away I throw myself into the sea Release the wave Let it wash over me To face the fear I once believed The tears of the dragon For you and for me Where I was I had wings that...

Изменен: 29.02.2012
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